Rewriting History
People always say: “You can’t change the past.” I wonder, though, is that really true?
The Empty Boat
Imagine you’re crossing a river in a boat, and another empty boat emerges from the thick fog and rams into you.
Bait and Switch
We’d all like to live fulfilling, enjoyable, meaningful lives. The problem is, if that’s the goal, the way to get there is not at all obvious.
Your Body is a Temple
We often hear the Buddhist sentiment that we should live in the present. It’s problematic advice.
Cruel to Be Kind
There’s a longstanding debate about whether humans are inherently cruel and violent or innately altruistic and kind. The short answer, of course, is both, but that isn’t all that helpful.
What You Don’t Know Will Hurt You
It’s an interesting quirk of human nature that sometimes we are the most confident about the things we understand the least.
The Gift Economy
When something passes from one person to another, it does so in one of two ways. Either it’s a transaction or it’s a gift.
The Monster That Bears Our Name
Who are the people who really know how to push our buttons?
The idea that we “make” decisions is misleading. We are complex systems. No decision we make reflects all of us.
Right Here, Right Now
Over the last few months, I’ve developed a meditation practice that I do everyday. It’s something that I’ve tried to establish, unsuccessfully, for many years. I’m not entirely sure why, but this time it seems to be sticking.
The Social Organism
A little while ago, I got to attend a week-long gathering with some people who have been meeting like this for over 50 years.
The Lone Monkey
So many people look back on their average childhoods, where they were cared for and protected and given everything they needed, and still feel that they weren’t well-loved.
Here and Gone
It’s spring, and pretty soon everyone’s garden will be erupting in bloom. That includes our neighbor’s camellia tree, with which I have a deeply ambivalent relationship.
Now You See Me
Sometimes, in relationships, people say that they want to be known. They also say that they want to be seen. It’s worth considering whether those two wishes are not the same.
In a Flash
When I heard that the path of the solar eclipse was going to arc right through Cleveland, I called up an old friend who lives there part time and asked if I could crash with him that weekend. He said yes.
You Are Here
If you wander around downtown Berkeley, with your gaze turned downward rather than trained on the always colorful local inhabitants, you’ll soon run across one of several dozen metal medallions that have been fixed to the sidewalks in seemingly random spots.